The Saturday Journal: Hard Thanks--My Cancer Journey
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and one of the small ways I can share the importance of mammograms and self-checks is through my own personal story with breast cancer. Hard Thanks is the second story in the series, My Cancer Journey. These stories I am resharing are dedicated to everyone who has been touched by breast cancer either personally or through a family member or friend, and to those who continue to advocate and work tirelessly for a cure.
August 31, 2018, My Cancer Journey
According to the U.S. Breast Cancer Statistics, in 2018 an estimated number of 63,960 women will be diagnosed with non-invasive breast cancer. (
I am counted among the numbers now.

I once heard Pam Tebow, mother of Tim Tebow speak to an audience of women about the importance of giving thanks. She told the story of how she was walking near a construction site and a piece of debris fell on her head. Her next memory was waking up in a hospital. And she said of this experience, ‘this was not something I had planned and it was difficult but according to God’s word we are to give Him thanks–in everything. So I am thankful He allowed this piece of construction debris to hit me on my head.’
In every thing give thanks.

My cancer diagnosis–on a scale of 0 to 4, I am at a zero, the beginning stages. And in next few days I will have out-patient surgery, a lumpectomy to remove the area followed by six weeks of daily radiation treatments–30 minutes per day, five days a week. If all goes well with the surgery on Friday, I will be back at work on Monday. And my follow-up treatments can be scheduled around my work on most days. And unlike chemotherapy, there are fewer and less severe side effects to radiation treatments.
In every thing give thanks.

And this year I will hit a milestone birthday–never had any type of surgery, no medications so to speak. Three overnight stays in the hospital, two of those–I brought my beautiful babies home. The other was a one-night stay while I was in high school. A. Long. Time. Ago. So to say God has blessed me with good health thus far is an understatement and a huge blessing.
I can’t begin to write the ways in which God has prepared me for this. How I can look back over the past few months of yesterdays and see how He provided for today and the days to come.
In everything give thanks.

And this week as with any week I have so much to be thankful for…..
My grand baby boy Wyatt celebrating his first birthday.
Praying friends
My daughter and son-in-law celebrating birthdays
Coconut Fudge Ice Cream
Pink ribbons
My family
Birds at the feeder
Sweet tea with crushed ice
My church family
My cancer diagnosis
Before the month of January ended this year, my baby brother was rushed to the hospital and he fought hard to live. And after he was released from the hospital he was placed on a strict diet, daily insulin shots, and other medication. Today, seven months later his diet is not as strict and he is completely off insulin. When I explained to him about my cancer diagnosis, I told him I had nothing to complain about or feel pity for myself. And what he said next humbled me to the core–he said, ‘if you think about it, no matter what, none of us have reason to complain.’
In every thing give thanks.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:8
A humble thank you for reading The Saturday Journal. My prayer is to share The Saturday Journal every Saturday or at least bi-weekly--but always on Saturdays. If you would like to have The Saturday Journal come to your email box, please subscribe to A Beautiful Grace blog and newsletter at
All photos @copyright Tathel Miller, unless otherwise credited to another photographer.

Your brother is right; none of us have anything to complain about. Thanks for sharing your story!